Jack Truong

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Chief Executive

Jack Truong has 30+ years of diverse experience in leading global corporate enterprises (i.e. James Hardie, Electrolux, & 3M Company). He builds future-proof businesses that satisfy stakeholder needs & ever-changing consumer behaviors through innovation, communication, and continuous improvement.


Business Models

Why Combining Company Culture with Strategy is Necessary for Lasting Business Success

Culture shouldn't eat strategy for breakfast — your business strategy must be developed based on the core strengths of its existing culture.


Where Anheuser-Busch Went Wrong and How We Can Do Better

Failed campaigns do more harm than good — not just for the company but also for the causes and people they only feign to support.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Hybrid Work is No Longer a Precaution — It's Undeniably Beneficial for Business Success. Here's Why

The world has changed and has moved on — and it won't wait for old-school business leaders to catch up.


Why Staying Human in the Age of AI is Crucial to Business Survival

In the ever-changing tides of consumer trends, only the most adaptable businesses will stay afloat and thrive.


Las grandes mentes no piensan igual: 3 formas de impulsar la verdadera innovación a través de la diversidad

Cuando las empresas se diversifican en todos los niveles, van camino al éxito. Aquí te mostramos cómo hacerlo.


Great Minds Think Unalike — 3 Ways to Drive True Innovation Through Diversity

When companies diversify at every level, they see increased success. Here's how to follow suit.

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